An Inside Look

By day, Rumbi Mufuka is a change management professional and leadership coach. She helps people and organizations get it done, and she’s not afraid to give the elephant in the room a name. Rumbi specializes in creating a safe space for new voices to be heard, and she’s worked with everyone from small non-profits to large federal agencies.

Rumbi Mufuka

Rumbi is also the founder of I Am Willing, a platform and community to help individuals and families share their wishes and wealth by creating legacy plans. In 2021, she also launched KAVA Consultancy, and has been busy working with leaders and organizations experiencing transformational change in DC and Portland.

By night, Rumbi enjoys serving on the board of Art Enables, reading multiple books at once, launching kooky projects, and supporting all manner of people and organizations that uplift the African Diaspora. She lives in Portland with her husband and cat.

What do you love most about Maine right now?

It’s FINALLY summer. Growing up in the South, and never living further north than Washington, DC I’m accustomed to four seasons and much shorter winters. But I will admit that summers in Maine are the perfect balance of sun, breeze, and long days to enjoy it.

Who are three people (living or dead) you would like to spend the day at Popham Beach with and why?

Is it sacrilegious to say I’ve never heard of Popham Beach! I promise I’ll add it to my summer to-do list! Judging from pictures, it’s the kind of sandy beach I enjoyed as a kid (although I’d want a wetsuit here!) I would bring my mother—there’s never enough time to learn about her life and write it down! I would bring Aretha Franklin—not only for her voice and joyful presence, but to hear why she tried to write a will more than 5 times, but struggled to finish. I could learn a lot about doing hard things, and what support we need to complete them. Last, I would bring my husband. He has the spirit of a Labrador Retriever and loves the beach! Popham Beach looks like a wonderful place for lively chats and lobster rolls by day, and life-affirming conversations by a bonfire at sunset.

How do you define “The Way Life Should Be?”

“The Way Life Should Be” is a bit fraught for me because I tend to get caught up in the pressure of what I think I should be doing and feeling guilty if I fall short! But if I take it as is, The Way Life Should Be means it’s all up to you! Maine offers so much space, physically and mentally, to build new things, make connections, and foster relationships. If you think something (anything!) should be and you’re willing to make it happen, Maine is the perfect place to do that.

If you could give the readers one piece of advice, what would it be?

Do it now and put it in the calendar! Write that letter. Send that email. Go on that hike. Name your beneficiaries. Talk to your parents or your kids about life after you’re gone, and how you want to be remembered. Is that one piece of advice?

Where can readers find you, follow you, and reach you?

I wear many hats! One is as a consultant to leaders and organi- zations experiencing transformational growth and change. Find me at Another is as a speaker and coach for families needing support in building their legacy plans. Join the newsletter at You can also follow my adventures and say hello on LinkedIn.


Abundance and Dignity: Food Resources in Maine


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