Ritual: This Keeps Me Sane

Portland Women’s Rugby Club 

By Alisha Goslin

How did you find this activity?

From middle school, college, or through social media—there are so many ways members of Portland Women’s Rugby Football Club have found the sport. Mayra D., a 28-year-old player, was introduced to rugby in 2015 during the Rugby World Cup. She recalled: “My university was doing events for all the England games. Because I went to university in England, I got to sit in a room filled with England supporters that started singing ‘Swing Low, Swing Chariot’ and I remember feeling chills just sitting there not knowing what was going on and wanting to feel that same passion for the sport. So, I soon after signed up to play for my university’s women’s team!” 

When did you start?

We have people who started playing rugby last month, over 20 years ago, and everywhere in between! “As a captain, I try to make sure to keep practices fun and engaging for all experience levels. Each season brings new players with different backgrounds that truly help mold the team into one cohesive unit.” -Autumn L. 

What are some of the things you enjoy most about this activity? 

What I first love about this activity is that growing up, playing soccer, I was used to thinking that athletes should have a certain body type. In rugby, that’s not true. Every body shape has a position on the pitch. I also love the atmosphere of being on a team, knowing you’re all working towards the same goal (and it’s also a great way to instantly add twenty plus friends in your life). I especially love the physicality of the sport. I love that regardless of how in shape I am, I always wake up the morning after a game with some part of my body sore from the exertion. -Stevie D. 

What does this activity fulfill for you? 

I’ve played sports all my life, but of them all, rugby is what I keep returning to. It’s been a part of my life for 25 years. Looking back, I wish I hadn’t taken years off from playing to do other things because I realize now that this sport fills a place in my life that no other sport has, does, or will. Unfortunately, I’m getting to the point where my body is telling me I shouldn’t play anymore (shut up, body!), and that’s so very, very hard to accept. But, I plan to stay involved on the administrative end, supporting the team and my friends in this way rather than just on the field. I can’t imagine my life without rugby. -Joy N. 

What is your advice to another woman who may want to get involved with this activity? 

Don't let intimidation stop you from joining. Anything new to you will require a learning curve and I believe ruggers are the most understanding and supportive people to that notion. We want more people to join the sport, we want to share the love of the sport with others, and get everyone involved. You can literally have any body type and there is a place for you on the pitch. That's one of the best parts about rugby. Katie T.

How is your life different now than before you were involved in this activity? 

My life is completely different because of rugby. I feel a strong sense of community and support all around me, I believe in myself and capabilities more, and rugby has also helped me realize that my body doesn’t determine my worth. For almost my entire life my fitness goals have always been about shrinking myself and taking up less space, but now I’m excited to get bigger and stronger and hit even harder! Every body is a rugby body! -Pinky

How does this activity keep you sane? 

The focus and structure required for rugby keeps me sane. When I'm at rugby practice or a match, nothing else exists for that small period of time. Rugby provides both a physical and social outlet that is unmatched by any sport or organization that I've previously been a part of. — Kim D.

The Portland Women’s Rugby team is a 501c3 nonprofit looking for donations and sponsors! Below are several ways folks can get in touch for more information or to become involved:

Email: portlandmainerugby@gmail.com

Instagram: @portlandmainewrfc

Facebook: mainewomensrugby

TikTok: @portlandrugby


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