A Business Baby

This quarter's issue of Maine Women Magazine is themed around coming of age. When I look back on milestones that were celebrated for me by others, they were always marked around culturally traditional values.

Many of these socially celebrated events included a “shower” or some sort of celebratory party. When I turned 21, when I got married, when I had children, friends and family would get together to celebrate these life changing events. During those moments of my past, I was surrounded and supported by people dear to me. Fast forward to today and I am experiencing yet another life change. This moment, however, has not been marked by a shower or party. In fact, I can’t think of anyone male or female that has had a business baby shower. It is possible these parties do not even exist. . . yet.

Just last month I left my previous employer to start my own investment advisory business. This new endeavor has taken on a life of its own. You could say that this is my fourth child, that it is my business baby. I am extremely privileged to have had a supportive spouse, family, and friends. I have enough resources and financial savings that taking the leap of self-employment wasn’t impossible. The journey is without a doubt, still difficult, but I feel the scaffolding of support around me. I realize that this isn’t the case for many, and some folks starting out, may need a more explicit showering of support.

So, I am here to say, if you are thinking of starting a small business or have recently done so, celebrate by throwing a business baby shower. It may sound a little out of the ordinary, but it could be a great way to help get you started. A registry may consist of things like, software subscriptions, supplies, stationary, commercial photography, and/ or business leadership coaching sessions. Even things like a commitment to share the business social media post a particular amount of times, or a list of referrals and resources for the new business owner would be an incredible gift.

Business baby showers could also help broaden some societal norms. These events have the potential to lift an entire new population that is often left out of the traditional celebrations. Single folks, people without children, or even lifetime home renters may never have the chance to be the center of the standard celebrations. Things like a housewarming, wedding, or baby shower are very limiting in who is represented. Recognizing the major life event of starting a business welcomes an even broader range of people.

Starting a business is very scary but also an exciting time much like other coming of age moments in life, and one that I currently can speak about firsthand. I am so thankful for all the generosity and gifts for my wedding, and birth of my children. However, knowing what I know now, I would trade all my Fiesta Ware dishes for a paper shredder, and a list of solid leads. Starting a business is an amazing milestone and worth celebrating, so party on!



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