A Business Baby
Chelsie L. Crane Chelsie L. Crane

A Business Baby

If you are thinking of starting a small business or have recently done so, celebrate by throwing a business baby shower.

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Exploring All Versions of Ourselves
Sarah MacLaughlin, LSW Sarah MacLaughlin, LSW

Exploring All Versions of Ourselves

In her captivating and prophetic Parable series, Octavia E. Butler imagines a dystopian future in which her strong female character—Lauren Olamina—suggests that “The only lasting truth is change.” This feels right as the world constantly shifts and humans keep evolving and changing, too, sometimes growing out of old personalities and ways of being.

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Nelson Hill Garman: Shining the Light On Power
Leah Hurley Leah Hurley

Nelson Hill Garman: Shining the Light On Power

I moved back home to Maine nearly a decade ago in search of a simpler, more connected way of life. I wanted freedom from the financial pressures of Manhattan, the ability to make different choices about my work, more meaningful access to nature, and a social life that didn’t have alcohol placed firmly at the center of it.

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Abigail Adamo
Playlist, Art & Culture Alisha Goslin Playlist, Art & Culture Alisha Goslin

Abigail Adamo

17-year old Abigail Adamo knew from a young age that she wanted to make music. She grew up listening to a diverse range of melodies - Taylor Swift, Metallica, Smashing Pumpkins, along with some folk, bluegrass, and classic country thrown in.

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Farm Raised
Features Mary Perry Features Mary Perry

Farm Raised

The year is 2001. Kenya is 6 years old, Gil is barely 1, and Sage would come along 5 years later. I had just bought a farm in Belgrade Lakes and moved there from Connecticut. As I sat on the granite front step with the big twin maples towering over me while I nursed Gil, I knew this would be home.

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I’m Your Neighbor Books
Art & Culture Maine Women Art & Culture Maine Women

I’m Your Neighbor Books

Designed to move between locations, the Welcoming Library arrives in two red crates. In one crate is 30 acclaimed picture books featuring Immigrant and New Generation families and in the other is a set of oversized tinker toys that assemble into a bookshelf topped with a banner invitation to “Read to Welcome” and “Read to Belong.”

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World of Words
Features Leela Marie Hidier Features Leela Marie Hidier

World of Words

As a child I loved to write. Short stories, song lyrics, haikus. Writing brought me so much joy. It was a way to better understand myself, and the world around me, and to dream up a world of my own.

I never thought I would stop.

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The Maine Arts Academy
Art & Culture Maine Women Art & Culture Maine Women

The Maine Arts Academy

The following pieces of art were created by students at The Maine Arts Academy in Sidney. Maine’s only free public high school for the arts provides a rigorous career and college preparatory curriculum and well-rounded arts education to enrich the lives of their students.

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A Social Conflict
Art & Culture Liz Eisele McLellan Art & Culture Liz Eisele McLellan

A Social Conflict

You say that she is social, TOO social. Yet he is social too. A natural leader.

Too blind to see that she is a leader. Clearly.

Already hindered by the twisted view of femaleness.

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If I Had a Million Dollars
Big Dream Maine Women Big Dream Maine Women

If I Had a Million Dollars

Isabel Richards has fostered dogs in her home with the help of her mother and sister, and worked tirelessly to raise money and awareness about helping shelter animals. This is her big dream.

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